robot integrator

Tips to manage and execute them with success

Control System integration technologies are changing rapidly, and manufacturing automation projects are becoming a challenge due to the complexity, scope, and human intervention.

Manufacturers need to cope and carry on with the constant changes in the way manufacturing process technologies are moving forward. Therefore, as an integrator, we can identify five manufacturing automation challenges.

Five Industrial Automation Challenge

Tips No. 1

System Components:

When building a control system need to consider several components from different suppliers. Furthermore, the project manager must ensure that all these components can communicate with each other without any setbacks. Industrial engineering knowledge is crucial to delivering a top-performing integrated system.

The operator interface (OI) is one main component of the automation system. For instance, it is essential for the operator to understand the interface between all automated equipment in a plant to achieve the operation successfully. In addition, a system integrator can help the operator to get an accurate understanding of the whole operating system. Hence, it is important to update the interference need according to the latest technology, it is crucial to get the operator to embrace the changes by incorporating the latest technology.

Tips No. 2

Technology Interfaces:

New technology represents a challenge for any automation project. However, updating the equipment with the constant changing of the software is a challenge, electronic technology or others automation equipment can make the difference in implementing a functional and high-performance control system integration or a poor performance system. Likewise, it is important to train the staff with the latest automation technology to keep the system running smoothly.

Tips No. 3

Control and Field Instrumentation Documentation:

Engineering expertise must follow documentation standards. In Fact, to successfully work with well-structured design control systems, it is essential to understand the documents that are typically used to illustrate process control.

The system integrator provides very detailed documentation that includes all requirements from the automation control system. In short, the documentation of the control system does not follow standards for process control and instrumentation, then it may be necessary to manually create this documentation. For example, tag numbers may easily identify the field device when ordering and shipping, as well as installing in the plant.

Tips No. 4

Process Flow Diagrams:

The project manager is responsible for the selection of the devices that best match the process design requirements. This includes the selection of the transmitters that fit the operating conditions, the type and sizing of valves, and other implementation detail specified in the process flow diagram. Some of these diagrams are:

  • Piping and Instrumentation Diagram – On the diagram describes all decisions or changes concerning field instrumentation, the assignment of device tags, and piping details. (P&ID)
  • Loop Diagram – Drawing that shows field device installation details including wiring and the junction box (if one is used) that connects the field device to the control system.

Tips No. 5

Future Expansion:

Companies need to plan when developing complex or even simple automation control system projects before jumping into execution. Searching for the right system integrator team early in the process and designing appropriate engineering design is key.

Performing an appropriate scope is critical to getting the project started and for future expansion. Consider company growing when implementing a control system including control panel expansion, industrial electrical wiring, and software upgrading capabilities.

Maximise the ROI

Industrial automation projects have so many challenges, find the right partner with enough knowledge and extensive technical expertise to integrate the automation system and its components. For instance, searching for the right control system integrator can help guide the project to success and maximise the ROI from an automation project.

Phoenix installs and integrates industrial control panels. We can customise single or multiple control panels as well as provide the electrical wiring design and documentation. In addition, we offer our project management and commissioning solutions.

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